Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Teacher's Guide to Using Facebook

This guide is available on Scribd and is attributed to Bernadette Rego.  Her introduction to the guide:
"Welcome to the Teacher's    Guide to using Facebook! As educators, social networking can carry tremendous potential benefits in one's professional development as well as staying in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. Facebook is one of many social networking tools available which is considered popular due to its versatility in what can be shared-everything from installing and creating fun applications (e.g. movie quizzes) to posting photos of your recent family reunion. However, as educators we also have a professional image to uphold and how we conduct ourselves online holds no exceptions. As you may have already heard, there have been instances reported by media in the past of teachers demonstrating professional misconduct while engaging in inappropriate dialogue about their schools and their students, posting pictures and videos of themselves engaged in inappropriate activity, and the likes. Some feel that being online shields them from having their personal lives exposed. On the contrary, how we establish our online identity can carry far greater repercussions than we could ever have imagined.It is, nonetheless, reassuring to know that there are ways of protecting ourselves from being exposed while online. This guide is intended to help you set up a profile using Facebook which best suits your personal and professional lives. This guide was written to educate you on ways of establishing your profiles which uphold your professional image."

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